






Born and bred in a Socialist home in Plumstead, South East London Steve became a Conservative in 1967 at the age of 12 following Harold Wilson devaluing the pound.
Always keen to make up his own mind Steve was determined to learn more about Politics and become involved. He quickly learnt the art of political argument and defiantly declared to his family that he was a Conservative.
Educated at a Bluecoat School in Blackheath he continued his education at Erith College of Technology where he achieved HNC in Building and continued to achieve Charted Institute of Building Membership. Working in the Construction Industry ever since.
After finishing twenty two years in the Territorial Army, where he obtained the rank of WO11 (Company Sergeant Major) in the Queens Regiment and then the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment upon their amalgamation, Steve became more actively involved in politics
An avid Campaigner and Political Organiser at heart, he has stood as a Local Government Candidate in all Areas of Local Government. A leading team organiser in the Party Leadership Campaigns, arranging Hustings, finding support and speaking at venues around the South East.
Having served both as a Branch and Association Officer for three Associations, Steve was elected to the Area Management Executive which led to him being elected Chairman of Sussex in 2006. Supported by the Regional Team and also the Party Board over many years he became the Regional Deputy Chairman Political for the South East Region in 2008 and Regional Chairman in 2009.
An avid Campaigner and Political Organiser at heart, he has stood as a Local Government Candidate in all Areas of Local Government. A leading team organiser in the Party Leadership Campaign of 2005, arranging Hustings, finding support and speaking at venues around the South East.
Steve had concentrated his energies on supporting the Target Seats being involved with Parliamentary Candidates Selections, Candidate Training and Campaigning. He supported the Target Seats bridging the gap between the Associations and the Parliamentary Party as they did not have any Parliamentary contact at Association level. Bringing them the Voice of the Party and more importantly being their Voice to the Parliamentarians and the Party Board which was paramount. Steve was active in arranging Campaign 2009, where he spoke at the Regional Conference and gave presentations at Association level, the importance of Campaign 2009 was the spring board to the General Election in 2010.
Steve was actively engaged with the London Mayoral campaign 2008 & 2012, where he was part of the successful TeamBoris which saw the Conservatives both win and retain the London Mayoralty.   Whilst carrying out these roles some of his energies were spent in the restructuring of the South East of England Regional Team, expanding and bring in great experience and skills which are for the benefit to all in the South East. Since the 2010 general election and involvement with the Coalition discussions representing the Party, Steve was elected Vice President of the National Convention in March 2012 and since then his appointments have been, The Police & Crime Commissioners Election, Liaise with Field Campaigning for By-Elections, Liaise with Conservative Woman’s Organisation, Board responsibility for the South West of England and appointed Chairman of the Association Finance Board. The remainder of his time has been supporting target Councils, visiting and speaking at Associations, Councils and external groups throughout the Country ensuring your voice is being heard and spreading the Conservative message. Steve became President of the National Convention in 2015 and Chaired the Manchester Conservative Party Conference being the first President in 23 years who opened Conference with a Conservative Majority.
In May 2015, Steve was elected as a Unitary Councillor on Brighton and Hove City Council representing Woodingdean Ward and in 2017 was elected Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group.



Steve was recognised for his national political service in the 2016 Queen’s Birthday Honours when he was appointed Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire

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